Thursday 5 June 2014

Assasination is new trendz...

/*    Assassination is new trendz  */

Assassination  mean killing someone...I am not saying you to kill some one...Kill the problems ..yeah..fellas kill the Problem...and how ???

Don't ask me... its your have to do it by yourself..i am here only for your support not for helping you...coz.. i also have to  assassinate some problem...

First thing  you in assassination is to find what is your that really your problem ..or someone else..if yours ...don't scream....let him are ready...

The next question is "Are you really Ready....?"...ummm... i guess absolutely not...
Becouse you don't now nothing about it...So what to do...I will tell you..

First ...Find out what is the is big or small...
In small problem...give him kick it his face.
And in BIG problem give him kick to his ASS...

Know your problem is the assassinate...
Know your Problem's Weakness...remember no buddy is perfect except "Code
Assassin" are the are the nightmare of that F*&^%ing  problem...Three things are very essential in Assassination
1.) Planning
3.) Planning..
One thing you should remember "People Don't Plan To Fail ...They Fail To plan.. " .

Execute Your Plan...There Must be some error. No problem..Degbug it...then again execute it....execute it until you didn't assassinate it ...

I guess this is enough for my first post ...In next post I tell you ...WHY ?...HOW ?..WHEN...? to assassinate...


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