Thursday 5 June 2014

Revenge is the Purest Emotion

/* Revenge is Purest Emotion */

When we heard this word "Revenge"...lots of people think its not good to take revenge...for those people...go and get job in Kinder garden Schools and get only goal in their life is to changing diaper of kids....

Anyways I am talking about Revenge...Trust me if I didn't take Revenge to any one who make me in trouble or make my life HELL...I think I am not respecting my self..its not ego..its SELF RESPECT ..means.. how can you let  that Bastard..happy..I make his life even down to HELL...I am not asking you to murder that one ...but realize him that what he done...give him that he think thrice before doing it again....

Make your Anger in Positive ways.... Let me tell you a small story of Revenge...There was a boy who has been beaten by some police men..and after 3 year that boy become the Captain of Police by hard work ....and trust me friends..when he become cpt..he first call those police men...and transfer to them HELL.....

Adolf Hitler is take his Country's Revenge by talking 10 billion soul around the world...Once a reporter ask him that you are so Brutal...Then Hitler Smile and said that i am not more Brutal than Nature....when nature take revenge he doesn't show MERCY....

 Taking Revenge make your life should not think...I will take revenge..when i die..and become Ghost..and make his life hell....Stop Thinking...fellas...start thinking how to take revenge..start planning ..wait for correct time ..and just ASSASSINATE him..

at last i want to say that...i am not saying you to MURDER i just trying to say that Respect Your self....Do not Suffer from Bullies...take revenge you also have two arm two run to that bastard home..and slap on his face..and make him realize what he DID...

Respect Yourself...You are the Dark Blood Assassin..

Happy Hunting...

Assasination is new trendz...

/*    Assassination is new trendz  */

Assassination  mean killing someone...I am not saying you to kill some one...Kill the problems ..yeah..fellas kill the Problem...and how ???

Don't ask me... its your have to do it by yourself..i am here only for your support not for helping you...coz.. i also have to  assassinate some problem...

First thing  you in assassination is to find what is your that really your problem ..or someone else..if yours ...don't scream....let him are ready...

The next question is "Are you really Ready....?"...ummm... i guess absolutely not...
Becouse you don't now nothing about it...So what to do...I will tell you..

First ...Find out what is the is big or small...
In small problem...give him kick it his face.
And in BIG problem give him kick to his ASS...

Know your problem is the assassinate...
Know your Problem's Weakness...remember no buddy is perfect except "Code
Assassin" are the are the nightmare of that F*&^%ing  problem...Three things are very essential in Assassination
1.) Planning
3.) Planning..
One thing you should remember "People Don't Plan To Fail ...They Fail To plan.. " .

Execute Your Plan...There Must be some error. No problem..Degbug it...then again execute it....execute it until you didn't assassinate it ...

I guess this is enough for my first post ...In next post I tell you ...WHY ?...HOW ?..WHEN...? to assassinate...